Block.One Announces Launch Of Voice Social Media App , A Viable Competitor To Twitter.

Block.One Announces Launch Of Voice Social Media App , A Viable Competitor To Twitter.
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    Last updated on September 6th, 2019 at 10:16 am

    Block.One launches Voice a decentralized social media platform to mark EOS first year anniversary. announced the launch of Voice during the B1 June event in Washington DC. The social media platform Voice will be a big competitor to twitter social media.

    Speaking at the event Dan Larimer pointed out reasons behind the launch of Voice.

    Social media has not been a good friend to us. From data theft to misinformation, to rampart cyber-bullying, the costs are just all too real. Social giants are scrambling to make things right by their users by professing new sets of values seemingly overnight promising to do better by their users. But the fact is, you can’t rebuild a house when the foundations are crumbling.” ~ Brendan Blumer.

    The event was focused on these points :

    ◦ Social media update:

    ◦ Voice

    ◦ The voice token

    ◦ Being real person and earn by creating


    Eosio 2 :

    ◦ EOS VM: 12x faster processing

    ◦ Built for blockchain not browser

    ◦ Web Authn + yubikey

    ◦ Available soon

    ◦ Coinbase earn EOS by learning

    ◦ Coinbase custody.

    Noting the achievements made so far by EOS he said ;

    “A year ago today, we released the EOSIO protocol. And in just that one year, I’m proud to say that EOS.IO has become the fastest, most scalable, and most active blockchain software in the world. The EOS public blockchain currently makes up more than 60% of all blockchain activity. It also accounts for more than 48% daily active users”.

    “We’re rewriting the formula. We’re building a platform where real people connect with real people. The bottom line is, social media where a majority of discourse takes place today. This transparency is one of the beauties of blockchain and made sure was a core part of the experience. Everyone, the user, platform, and contributor, plays by the same rules. Just a level playing ground where everyone has a Voice.”

    The Use Case Of Voice Token :

    Larimer announced the Voice Token which is created when real people create and discover content. Users earn Voice by creating valuable contents. Voice Token can be used to increase the visibility of your own content. You can also use it to allow others discover content you find valuable and the creator earns extra tokens.

    “You don’t need a million followers to have an impact. This is just one way to use your tokens.” ~ Dan Larimer.

    Voice is already in beta and anybody is open to Sign Up for it here.

    On Eos VM: Web Assembly Engine :

    Block.One also announced EOS.IO 2.0 protocol which supports the latest web standards. The EOS VM, a web assembly engine designed specifically for blockchain. EOS VM is expected to make the EOS protocol 12x faster which means that it EOS.IO can carry more user traffic.

    On Eos WebAuthn :

    EOSIO 2.0 will also support signing transactions via WebAuthn. Using private keys to protect access online. The WebAuthn will also encourage “Sign Up With Voice” Authenticator for web users. With the authentication protocol users will easily interact with their blockchain account on social media and sign transactions.

    Earn Mass Education Program :

    In partnership with Coinbase, EOS will see Coinbase users earn up to $10 worth of EOS tokens when they participate in the program. EOS is already available on the Coinbase flagship program. The lessons are free and will let users earn as they learn and develop on EOS.

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