Stoor: A Cloud Storage Platform That Puts the Future of Data in the Hands of Users

Stoor: A Cloud Storage Platform That Puts the Future of Data in the Hands of Users
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    In our present-day lives, owning some type of personal tech device has become the rule rather than the exception. 

    We increasingly rely on our gadgets to help us navigate and manage our days. Whether it’s for communication or education, productivity or entertainment purposes, our devices have become indispensable tools to help us access the information we depend upon.

    Many of us don’t give a second thought to just how much data we create or the subsequent space this requires for storage; not until our devices are bursting at the seams, asking that we find some additional room if we want to add that arresting sunset image or unrepeatable baby grin to our repertoire.

    Challenges traditional data storage centres face

    The Zettabyte Era translates to difficulties for traditional storage data centres as they attempt to accommodate our ever-growing appetite for data production, distribution, and storage.

    They are an easy target for hackers who can potentially gain access to a lot of data stored in one location. Indeed, in the recent past, we have witnessed several outages experienced by some of the most prominent industry players in the cloud storage market, including Facebook and its subsidiaries and Amazon Web Services.

    Enter the world of decentralized cloud storage systems. Unlike centralized databases, the existing decentralized cloud storage systems were designed to take advantage of the blockchain by incorporating the following features that are an improvement from the traditional cloud storage providers:

    • Decentralized are designed to run with the input of every user of the network, which is to say, peers in the system can share information without requiring a central administrator’s supervision or approval.
    • They ensure that the cloud storage is distributed across many computers and in multiple locations. Hackers would have a more challenging time accessing large amounts of data, so they can seldom go down. This also means that no single government or institution can interfere with the blockchain, as long as other servers are running the database outside their jurisdiction.
    • They incentivize users to participate in the network by encouraging them to provide unused storage on their devices and earn money from this.
    • They take advantage of unused hard drive space from devices all across the world to establish a data storage marketplace that is more dependable and less expensive than traditional cloud storage providers.
    • They encrypt and distribute all files across a decentralized network. This means that every user manages their private encryption keys and own their data. No outside company or third party can access or control one’s file.

    Introducing Stoor Decentralised Storage Cloud.

    Stoor is a decentralized cloud storage service that was created to compete with the likes of Google Cloud, Dropbox or Amazon Web Services but with the addition of Blockchain technology. 

    It operates similarly to other decentralized storage services with all the essential features mentioned above. In addition, it has the unique advantage of focusing on rewarding every user on its platform. 

    They believe that those who store data are just as important as those who create it and one need not be a company founder or its core team member to get dividends from securing the world’s data.

    Stoor has created a collective, sustainable solution to the challenges we face in the digital ecosystem of our times; everyone is invited to the party and walks away with their fair share of the cake. Dividends are earned by individuals and entities in the following ways:

    • If you rent out unused storage space on their devices, you get dividends
    • I you upload your documents online using the Stoor system, you get dividends
    • Holding the Stoor token, earns you dividends
    • Integrating the Stoor storage system onto a digital platform translates to dividends.

    These opportunities and corresponding rewards speak to Stoor’s core ethos: The people who make up the entire ecosystem matter; they must be rewarded.

    So ambitious are Stoor’s goals the company is looking to be the world’s first storage company to hit 1 Exabyte- while most companies are still at the petabyte stage (to understand the size of an Exabyte, refer to diagram above).

    As the world prepares itself for web 3.0 and demand for storage space shows no signs of slowing down, Stoor offers the ideal solution to the needs of humanity as far as the technology of tomorrow is concerned.

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    1. Sophia igba

      Wow this is mind blowing who could have thought of this?? I want to be a part of this project even if it’s just as a. Supporter

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