Twitter users may soon be able to make voice and video calls on the platform after its owner Elon Musk said on Wednesday he would make the service available. In a twitter post, Elon Musk explained what the new features are ; “With latest version of app, you can DM reply to any message in the thread (not just most recent) and use any emoji reaction. Release of encrypted DMs V1.0 should happen tomorrow. This will grow in sophistication rapidly. The acid test is that I could not see your DMs even if there was a gun to my head. Coming soon will be voice and video chat from your handle to anyone on this platform, so you can talk to people anywhere in the world without giving them your phone number.”Also Read:Google Introduces Checkmark Icon For Gmail, Similar To Twitter. Encrypted DMs V1.0 release is also set to drop on Thursday, he said. This update ensures that messages sent privately are protected. Twitter recently removed legacy verified blue checkmarks in favor of paid subscription called Twitter Blue. Anyone who subscribes and pays for Twitter Blue can easily get a blue check
Twitter users may soon be able to make voice and video calls on the platform after its owner Elon Musk said on Wednesday he would make the service available.
In a twitter post, Elon Musk explained what the new features are ;
“With latest version of app, you can DM reply to any message in the thread (not just most recent) and use any emoji reaction.
Release of encrypted DMs V1.0 should happen tomorrow. This will grow in sophistication rapidly. The acid test is that I could not see your DMs even if there was a gun to my head.
Coming soon will be voice and video chat from your handle to anyone on this platform, so you can talk to people anywhere in the world without giving them your phone number.”
Also Read:Google Introduces Checkmark Icon For Gmail, Similar To Twitter.
Encrypted DMs V1.0 release is also set to drop on Thursday, he said. This update ensures that messages sent privately are protected.
Twitter recently removed legacy verified blue checkmarks in favor of paid subscription called Twitter Blue. Anyone who subscribes and pays for Twitter Blue can easily get a blue check mark.