Job Alert: Earn up to $1500 as a Barter Ambassador.

Job Alert: Earn up to $1500 as a Barter Ambassador.
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    A new job alert for students influencers who are willing to work and earn money. Do you already tell your friends about Barter? Well, it’s time to get rewarded. 

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    What is the Barter ambassador program?

    The Barter Student Ambassador Program is an exclusive community of young, smart, and influential students in some of the leading universities across the world such as:

    • Princeton University.
    • University of Cape Town
    • Ashesi University
    • University of Nairobi
    • University of Lagos
    • University of Nigeria Nsukka
    • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, among others.

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    This opportunity is currently open to students enrolled in university degree programs. As an undergrad, postgrad or PhD student, you can join the Barter Ambassador program at your school, refer others, and make money. 

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    You can earn up to $1500, an equivalent of over 500,000 naira at the time of writing. You can visit here to access more details of the Ambassador program from Barter.

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