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    Last updated on August 23rd, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    pres site pic
    PRESEARCH : Presearch is an open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for their usage, contribution to, and promotion of the platform.

    In a world where one company has the 77% control of all searches, making it have a huge influence of over trillions of dollars in spending and excessively acting as the primary gatekeeper to the Internet, a new, open and community-driven search engine is of necessity.

    Presearch has an innovative market driven strategy to target the most frequent searchers – web workers – and gain early adoption, in releasing future versions of the Blockchain-based open source platform , that will be community driven.

    A clear and unhampered ranking factors that will enable content creators to access a confidential clear atmosphere , and the users the choice of content data sources to utilize.
    Community-driven decision-making process ensures that eachof the community member interest is incorporated and the best available content is given.
    Ability to vote on and fund dev projects provides the community ability to influence, participate and improve the platform, and earn tokens for contributing, voting or participating.

    Get Started Using Presearch

    Pres Crowdsale

    Presearch Token Ecosystem
    Tokens can be purchased during the Presearch Token crowdsale
    Tokens will be issued to early adopters to reward usage and promotion of the platform
    Token-holders will be able to vote on decisions, suggest / fund dev projects
    Devs will receive tokens for contributing to features / projects
    Advertisers will be able to purchase targeted, non-intrusive, keyword sponsorships with PREs

    Get Started Using Presearch

    Together, we can provide Internet users with an alternative to the search hegemony that dictates where most of us learn, engage and spend our valuable attention and resources. Presearch

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