How Sushi Swap Will Record New Highs Following Andre Cronje’s Merger with Yearn.Finance.

How Sushi Swap Will Record New Highs Following Andre Cronje’s Merger with Yearn.Finance.
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    Sushi Swap merger with Yearn Finance announced by Cronje will possibly boost the Sushi Swap ecosystem.

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    Andre Conje is synonymous with making any project he joins a gold haven counting from his previous involvement in and Keep3rV1 platform. 

    Yearn Finance is an aggregator service for decentralized finance while Keep3rV1 is a decentralized ecosystem for blockchain based projects that requires large smart contract codes to power complex systems to more efficiently work together.

    For the last 24hours Keep3rV1 ecosystem token Kep3r has increased by over 35% with a 24hours high of $489 and a 24hours low seating around $288 per Kep3r.

    Since his debut to Sushi platform, the ecosystem token has increased maintaining a new low at $2. 

    Andre Conje in a blog post announced yearn finance merger with Sushi Swap to help streamline DeFi farming on Year Finance. 

    Among the notable synergies is the gasless swap on sushi swap to be powered via Metawallet. Keep3rV1 will implement limit orders, take profit and stop loss for Sushi LPs.

    Read Also: This is the Reason Why Sushi Founder Returned Funds

    Sushi Swap’s OxMaki will lead the AMM arm of Yearn Finance and also participate in Sushi Swap governance accumulating some sushi for it’s treasury.

    Moreover the upcoming DeriSwap an idea of Andre Conje will be completed and launched in collaboration with Sushi platform. DeriSwap a DeFi financial product platform on which Sushi will also build a sibling platform for Pro Traders per the discord channels discussion.

    These are a big boost to Sushi Swap ecosystem. Checking from other acquisitions from Cronje including Cream, Akropolis etc. All platforms have performed incredibly well tapping from the financial power house of Yearn Finance.

    About is an aggregator service for decentralized finance (DeFi) investors, using automation to allow them to maximize profits from yield farming. 

    About Andre Cronje: Cronje previously served as head of innovation and technology at the Fusion Foundation, the organization behind the Fusion protocol, where he led initiatives related to decentralized applications, technology partnerships and implementations. 

    Cronje worked as chief code reviewer and a contributor at Crypto Briefing, head of technology at fintech firm Freedom, and head of technology at Shoprite Group, in addition to serving in blockchain technology development roles for BitDiem, Cryptocurve and Lemniscap. 

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