Can Facebook And Whatsapp Take Over The Decentralization Era With Its Large User Based Platform.

Can Facebook And Whatsapp Take Over The Decentralization Era With Its Large User Based Platform.
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    Last updated on July 17th, 2020 at 08:11 pm

    Facebook is the most popular social media platform. The highest user based social platform since 2003. Founded as by Mark Zuckerberg and his team as FaceMash in 2003 and then Thefacebook in 2004. Facebook worth $104 billion till date.

    Facebook and whatsapp has launched many new features since 2018. Notable Among These Features Include ;

    Whatsapp In YouTube Video View, New Stickers/Custom Stickers. (which is common to telegram)

    Whatsapp Unified Currency

    Facebook Publisher Program etc

    Experts claim these features are geared towards putting facebook up the radar in the new decentralization era. Notable among these features is the publishers incentives towards proper revenue sharing and fighting against fake information. Notable among it’s competitors are Google, Yahoo and the new decentralised browser—Brave.

    During a discussion with Axel Springer SE CEO, Mathias Doepfner, who runs the largest publisher in Europe. Mark Zuckerberg disclosed the company’s intention to create a new tab dedicated for news feed only. Zuckerberg notes that the move is geared towards incentivizing publishers and controlling fake news. This is in response to the accusations on facebook that it’s platform is been used to spread fake information.

    Facebook announced last year that it will be dedicating a news tab to friends and family news updates. However, some media executives like News Corp CEO Robert Thomson and BuzzFeed Co-Founder, Jonah Peretti had insisted on revenue sharing. The duo insists facebook share the revenue generated by its news outlet to its content publishers. Stressing that publishers needs to be rewarded for their work in other to fight plagiarism and the spread of fake news.

    There are several reasons which might have prompted facebook to incentivize it’s publishers. Notable among some sanctions on facebook by EU is the sanction on unauthorized sharing of user data. It could be recalled also that facebook had been sanctioned on allowing the use of its platform to spread fake news. Amongst the other EU sanctions includes personal data bridge used for advertising purposes. All clamouring towards the centralized nature on which facebook was built.

    Moreso, reasons behind the move might be the recent loss of over 2 million users from facebook and whatsapp during facebook server downtime. This favoured it’s top competitor telegram which is gulped all the lost users. Also, the recent clamour on decentralization through privacy protection and incentives to users.

    This might suggest that facebook is tightening up all loopholes to swim into the blockchain revolution era. Previously facebook, through whatsapp had announced the launch of a unified cryptocurrency for it’s platform. The aim is to enable more users transfer funds easily and safely using a whatsapp stablecoin pegged to user country’s currency. Which is aside it’s whatsapp business app.

    Moreover, facebook had previously unveiled it’s blockchain department announcing available job position open to the public. David Marcus, the head of Facebook’s messaging app Messenger, announced that the social media site is exploring possible applications for the decentralized technology. Since after the release on cryptocurrency ban by facebook, the company has made positive moves towards decentralized technology.

    Owing to the fact that facebook is currently, the most used social media platform. The ball will possibly roll in its favour. A notable competitor of facebook messaging apps — messenger and whatsapp is telegram messaging app. Telegram boosts of over 200,000,000 million users monthly according to telegram statistics.

    Telegram is building a new feature TON—Telegram Open Network set to launch 2019. It will add incentive features to the app and many other enticing features including cloud storage. Telegram is more privacy and business oriented. It’s underlying features which is far more better than whatsapp had helped to drive up it’s user base over time. While telegram is consistently developing it’s decentralized network. Facebook and whatsapp is moving to incentives and data protection, more or less going in the direction of decentralisation.

    In the long we will see how it goes. Share your opinion under the comment section.

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