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    Last updated on May 5th, 2021 at 08:27 am

    “Believe in something larger than yourself. Get involved in the big ideas of your time”

    Barbara Bush.

    There is no other time than now that this statement is more profound. In a world of ever increasing change and development where the innovation of today fades away quickly to usher in a greater and more efficient innovation such as Fintech and Blockchain. There is the need to provide a system, structure and platform where the big ideas and disruptive innovation of tomorrow would be conceived and nutured to successful and profitable ventures that would disrupt the status quo of today’s “Big Idea”.

    Such a platform is what Cheetah Africa has come to provide. Cheetah Africa, the pool of Africa’s Startups and innovations would serve as the motherboard of tomorrow’s “Big Ideas” and “disruptive innovations”.

    It is no mere talk but an unanimous fact that the world’s future is Africa, being blessed with the largest pool of young talents beaming with ideas who only needs a support structure and platform to fulfill their potentials and a platform for global expression. Hence the launch of a platform such as Cheetah Africa that would serve as the pool of African Startups and Innovations becomes more needed than ever today. Little wonder, the official launch of Cheetah Africa which came as a Fintech and Blockchain conference was a landmark event in the Nigerian Fintech, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain space. The launch which was held in the sophisticated and high brow Victoria Island in Lagos at the BWC Five Star Hotel, 3rd August, 2018 attracted the “finest of the finest” in the Nigerian Fintech, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain space.

    Prominent among the lords in this space who were in active attendance at the launch cum Fintech and Blockchain conference included ‘Gbenga Sesan (Executive Director, Paradigm Initiative and Africa’s most influential Internet personality), Chiemzie Chuta (Regional Director for PAXFUL Africa), Nathaniel Luz Executive Director, Cheetah Africa, Lucky Uwakwe (Co-founder Cheetah Africa, Co-founder and C.O.O Blockchain Solutions Ltd.)and a most sought after Blockchain and Certified Cryptocurrency Specialist CSS). Others in attendance as an organisation included Dash Nigeria, REMITANO, kuBitX, CFA Coin, Nitroneum, KureCoin, Webercoin, Norton Chain, EOS Nigeria, Block Vibranium, Crypstone, OminiraTv, and Crypto Tv.

    The launch cum conference started 10:00am with an opening remark by the Executive Director Cheetah Africa, Nathaniel Luz. It featured Keynote talks by most sought after speakers in the space, panel sessions with the “disruptarians” in the space and idea pitches by Startups in the space to an audience of Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists to secure partnership, collaboration and funding support. The hall that hosted the conference was filled to its capacity with vast majority of attendance by corporate executives , university students finding theirs way into this behemoth space and many Fintech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency specialists and enthusiasts.

    Notable among the keynote lectures was Gbenga Sesan’s sessions which came to an end with an ovation from the crowd. In his lecture tilted

    “Africa’s Last Chance”,

    he emphasized the need for African Startups to look beyond passion and skills and embrace the defining VALUE of their products or services before it is introduced to the market. He stressed the fact that the blockchain market does not only respond to genuine passion and dexterity of skills but to the market value of products, hence the need for young African techies to embrace personal branding and excellent branding of their products . He further shed more light on this using Apple that just hit $1 Trillion in net value as a case study.

    Lucky Uwakwe, Cofounder of Cheetah Africa at his keyote session was at his ususal style of extemporaneous delivery, beaming with an up to date knowledge of trends in the Fintech, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain space. He made the audience understand that ‘Africa is the new market and the scramble for this virgin land as started, and that Cheetah Africa is the quickest platform to meet African businesses by Africans , by building the most innovative products focused on Fintech and Blockchain startups. He made a profound warning that ‘every venture capital firm in the world should know that if they don’t trust in Africa now, they will pay the price of negligence later. His session also ended with an ovation from the audience.

    The conference panel sessions;

    Product and Services Description by giant in Nigerian Fintech and cryptocurrency space, in attendance was CFA coin, KuiBitX, Remitano, DITcoin, Nitroneum, EOS Nigeria and weber coin.

    Block Vibranium ioCa poor to poor Blockchain tutoring platform that rewards both teachers and students with the vibranium token, performed excellently in their pitch of its products and spur them to an audience of Angel investors and venture capitalist .

    The event did not end without side attractions like the beautiful saxophone performance by Vie-sax who treated the audience to an aura of contemporary piece. The audience and speakers were also treated to a corporate buffet at the five star hotel restaurant.

    Cheetah Africa launch cum Fintech and Blockchain conference finally come to an end with the closing remark by the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Cheetah Africa, Nathaniel luz, in his words emphasized that

    “our vision at Cheetah Africa is to be the pool of African startups and innovations, providing them with the necessary support structure needed for global reliance, scalability and competitiveness”,

    this is sure to make a history as there has never been such from a non-profit platform in this space.

    The closing remark which brought the launch to an official close at 5 :00 pm was followed by photo sessions cum interactions and networking sessions.

    #Image from Cheetah Africa #

    Guest Post From

    Nathaniel Luz, Executive Director, Cheetah Africa.

    Lucky Uwakwe, Co-founder, Cheetah Africa.

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