Q and A Section with Bram Nagtegals, Founder and Lead Developer Of BlackTurtle Network (Forked From Waves Blockchain).

Q and A Section with Bram Nagtegals,  Founder and Lead Developer Of BlackTurtle Network (Forked From Waves Blockchain).
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Last updated on December 31st, 2019 at 07:01 am

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Q & A with Bram Nagtegals, Founder & Lead Developer of BlackTurtle.eu

Q & A session with the technical guru, Bram & his blockchain endeavours;

Q: Who is Bram (aka Mr Turtle), could you give us a little insight into your background?

A: I am only 21 years old, born and raised in Belgium and speak Dutch & English. I gained some valuable experience over the years running my own runescape private server (RSPS), Minecraft servers, teamspeak server and coded my own small games. My studies include an IT & Bookkeeping degree in 2014, from 2014–2017 an Information Systems and Network Management BSC and from 2015–2018 an Application Development BSC. In both coding as well as server management I have gained experience with an internship at TrendMiner.com, located in Belgium.

Q: How long have you been in crypto/blockchain/development and what are your interests in this regard?

A: I started last summer ’17 trading crypto with 50 Euro. Since October I started running a Waves node. In January ’18 the TurtleNode ICO started and in March the Turtle Network started. I have a very wide-ranging area of interest, that’s also why I did the 2 bachelors within the IT at the same time. I do however prefer the backend development work instead front-end work.

Q: How was the TurtleNode conceived, when did you start thinking about the concept, how did you decide on the name, how did you start, could you tell us more?

A: It just grew. I joined The Waves Platform, known as BlackTurtle to my peers, and I decided to go with the name ‘Turtle’. A turtle stands for many great things, wisdom, strength and they grow very old, so a lot of good features are connected with a turtle. It started with a Waves node, and my experience grew. I noticed how the competition had more leasers because they had projects running and paid leasers their custom tokens, I was thinking that I could do the same, so then I started with TurtleNode ($TN) and from there it kept growing, from a bot to a network, from a hobby to a company. Because I was known as BlackTurtle and could run a node I decided to create the name TurtleNode (turtle from name, node from reason why token was created).

Q: What are all the services within the BlackTurtle brand & could you give us any insight into future plans or services?

A: Our current services include the TurtleNode($TN) token, Turtle Network Blockchain, BlackTurtleNode server on the Waves Platform, TurtleNodeBot notification service for Waves/Turtle Network and the TNTippingBot tipping service on Telegram.

We can help with anything regards to blockchain, from small projects and issues with forking Waves and setting up private networks and gateways. In future we will create a whole new framework for ICO’s on Turtle Network to support ICO’s and investors even more, for the larger list please review the roadmap https://www.blackturtle.eu/roadmap.

Q: TurtleNode was re-branded to BlackTurtle in May ’18, could you tell us a little more about the reasons behind the rebrand?

A: The initial project grew past just being a Waves node, so a decision was made to change the branding, and consolidate all the services under the BlackTurtle brand.

Q: Your team members are described as ‘BlackTurtle Advisors’, What is the motivation and benefit behind the Advisors and what functions do they performs?

A: Teamwork is key. The best things are made together, the Advisors are people from around the globe who advise and support, from branding, to tech related items. They are like a support/backup team to make sure we can deliver the best possible solutions for anyone anywhere.

Q: Could you tell us more about the BlackTurtle brand and your vision in this regard?

A: With the assistance of the BlackTurtle Advisors, we want to make the Turtle Network blockchain & related services easy to use and attractive to all projects and people, from all over the world. We aim to keep in close contact with the people invested and involved with BlackTurtle. Mr Turtle has aslo become synonymous for always being available on Telegram and will remain so.

Q: Please could you tell us more about the Turtle Network, what are the benefits over the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum networks?

A: We are a relatively new blockchain network but with allot of heart and soul. Turtle Network is based on Waves technology, translating to some of the best blockchain tech in the world. Low fees, transactions on Turtle Network cost 0.02 TN which is 0.02 cents, while a transaction on the Bitcoin network is slower and more expensive. Turtle Network has very fast blockspeed of 1 block/ minute meaning we have a lot faster process time then within BTC or Ethereum. Turtle Network is able to do up to 100 transfers/second and masstransfers which means 100 transfers in 1 transfer. Theoretically the network can reach 100*100 transfers/second. But in real life this will be a bit lower because not everyone will do masstransfers, however even without masstransfers we are on 100transfers/sec*60second so 6000 transfers/minute.

Q: Gateways seem to be an important aspect of the Turtle Network, in a nutshell how do they work & what current gateways are in-place?

A: To explain it simple, Gateways swap your tokens to/from the Turtle Network. For example, in our case we will call it token “A”. So you insert token “A” into the gateway, the gateway will in return credit token “tA” on your Turtle Network account. Each token “tA” is backed up by 1 real token “A” and they are swappable with each other at any time (for a small fee).
Currently we have Wagerr, Dash, BTC, Waves, LTC gateways and looking at SIA and SYS gateways in future.

Q: From an investor’s perspective, what are the benefits of owning TurtleNode (TN) tokens & how can they be purchased?

A: Tokens can be purchased or traded currently on either the Waves DEX or Turtle Network DEX, within their respective wallets. $TN is required to pay for transaction fees on the network and owners of $TN can lease their tokens or run a Node to generate a passive income. $TN also has a fixed supply of 100m tokens there will never be inflation. Besides leasing and performing transactions, users can easily create assets within the network and have them immediately trade able on the Turtle Network DEX.

Q: You are a young, brilliant & well-respected developer in the forefront of technology. Blockchain technology brings its own challenges of skill shortages to create services and develop products, what custom services do you offer to assist in this regard?

A: I am available to support any kind of blockchain technical issue on both Waves and Turtle Networks. People can hire me as an advisor for ICO’s, building Gateways, Nodes, faucets, Telegram bots and Waves based forks to building applications and everything in-between. I have a good technical and business understanding of both networks.

Q: What does the future hold for Bram?

A: The first goal is to make BlackTurtle a Belgium Limited Liability Company (BVBA). In the meantime, I will keep learning, improving and expanding Turtle Network and related services. A lot of amazing details cross my path daily, which is exciting and will possibly brought to fruition in future.

Q: Do you have any words of encouragement for developers looking to get into Blockchain development?

A: Blockchain is a new upcoming technology. There is a lot of great stuff to learn and many skilled people are needed, so if you interested, don’t hesitate and go for it.

You will meet many interesting people while discovering and learning constantly.

Done By Gordob

Posted By Gordob on Medium on June 30, 2018

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