Learn and Become a Full Stack Developer and Earn $135K Yearly on Remote as a Student.

Learn and Become a Full Stack Developer and Earn $135K Yearly on Remote as a Student.
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    Last updated on October 14th, 2022 at 10:39 am

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    Learn and become a Full Stack Developer in 180 days and start earning an average of $135,000 per year as a remote worker. This will help you as a Nigerian Student to make a living for yourself.

    This article will help you organise yourself and schedule and become a better you, earning a lot in two years. What would you need? Let’s get started.

    Who is a Full Stack Developer? Simply understand that a full stack developer is someone who has complete knowledge of both frontend and backend web development and database management.


    • Laptop: Windows x64, 500GB
    • Internet Connection
    • Passion and Willingness
    • Two – Three hours daily
    • Consistency 
    • Good electricity 


    HTML and CSS: If you are getting started as a beginner. You will have to start with this recommended Udemy course from your first day until the next 30 days. This course will help you learn Html and CSS from the beginner level from beginners to the advanced level for free. This knowledge will help you with the right basics and a proper background for frontend web development basics.

    JavaScript: Once you are done with the Html and CSS course. You now have advanced and proficient skills in HTML and CSS. It’s time to learn another needed resource skill. 

    You will now learn JavaScript. This is another resourceful skill you will need as a web developer for creating the web page behaviour from the client-side. There is also a free course on Udemy for you to learn JavaScript from zero to hero. This will take you from 30-80 days, a month programme.

    JavaScript 30 Days Challenge:

    This challenge will help you practice what you have learned and perfect in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After this 30 days challenge, you will be able to build a simple standard website. 

    Click this link to participate in this challenge. You can always participate.

    Learn Frontend: This time, you will advance your knowledge of frontend web development. You will React, Vue and Angular. It’s recommended that you use the official websites to learn about these. Prior knowledge of JavaScript is required as these are complementary components built through JavaScript. The official web pages include; vuejs.org, reactjs.org and angularjs.org. This can take you 30 days to learn, from the 110th day until the 140th day.

    ReactJS is a web development tool that is preferred due to React components. A web app developer uses flexibility and code reusability to his advantage. VueJS is primarily used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. This can also be applied to both desktop and mobile app development.

    Angular is a JavaScript framework built using Typescript used in developing the user interface and also for web applications. 

    Backend Development: At this point, you will learn MongoDB, Node and PostgreSQL. This will perfect your backend skill and get you ready as a Full Web Developer. This can take you 30 days from day 141 – 171. 

    MongoDB is a general-purpose document database designed for modern application development and the cloud. 

    Node.js is primarily used for non-blocking, event-driven servers. It’s used for real-time web apps and back-end API services. PostgreSQL is an advanced version of SQL and provides a relational database management system. PostgreSQL is used as the primary data store or data warehouse for many websites etc.

    You can find all the tutorial resources and materials for the three tools on their official web pages which includes; postgresql.org, mongodb.com and nodejs.org.

    Also Read: Learn DevOps in 180 Days and Earn an Average Salary of $114K Yearly on Remote as a Student.

    GitHub: It’s advised that you get familiar with using GitHub for uploading and keep a track record of your learning journey as a full-stack web developer. Visit GitHub.com. This will help you when you start building your resume for a job application. This can take you from day 171-180. 

    At this point, you are now a fully certified Full Stack Developer with all the needed industrial skills to scale in the industry as a student. Both in the crypto space or otherwise. 

    If you find this post engaging, then share it with your friends and join the DiutoCoinNews Telegram Channel. If you have any questions you can join our telegram community to meet fellow developers.

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