Top Most Googled Questions About Crypto Revealed.

Top Most Googled Questions About Crypto Revealed.
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What people end up searching on Google provides raw insights into the real mindset, often revealing their interest, fear, and range of other emotions about a particular topic. To identify investor sentiment amid a bear market that is yet to find its bottom.

The following reasons according a Cointelegraph report are questions people ask about cryptocurrency.

The top 10 Google searches related to cryptocurrencies uncover an increase in curiosity among general investors — represented by two “Whys,” three “Whats” and five “Hows.” Let’s go through the most crypto-related Google searches, from highest to lowest.

of interests, however, crypto entrepreneurs from across the globe put their differences aside and agree that educating the masses about cryptocurrencies can serve as a catalyst for mainstream adoption.

What is crypto ?

The second most Googled question about cryptocurrencies is, surprisingly, just an iteration of the top question, which reads, “What is crypto.” The question recorded a GV of 54,000, which, when combined with its predecessor, strengthens the case for educating the masses about cryptocurrencies.

The what-question highlights the lack of understanding among the masses and the need to shorten the learning curve for new and aspiring investors.

How Can I invest in cryptocurrency ?

In the third place for most popular Google searches comes the first investment-related question, “How to invest in cryptocurrency.” With a GV of 44,000, the Googled question shows rising interest in crypto investments despite the prolonged bear market.

The keywords also highlight the need for simplifying the process of investing in cryptocurrencies. This implies a redesign of trading platforms to make them more intuitive for new investors moving over from traditional finance.

What is crypto mining ?

Taking the fourth spot with a GV of 37,000 is a Google search that is surprisingly the most natural progression one would take when learning about the crypto ecosystem in-depth — “What is crypto mining.”

Investors with a base-level understanding of the crypto ecosystem tend to try out mining as a means to make passive income via cryptocurrencies. The thought of repurposing an old computer for earning cryptocurrencies by supporting the network is a popular search relevant from the early days of cryptocurrencies. However, off-the-shelf mining rigs have allowed novice miners to consider crypto mining as a viable career.

How to buy cryptocurrency ?

Given the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies, the search for “How to buy cryptocurrency” takes the fifth position as the most searched crypto-related keyword on Google. The GV of 36,000 shows an evident interest in purchasing cryptocurrencies.

Bear markets are often viewed as perfect timelines for making high-yield investments. Given the falling prices, existing and new investors are in a race to identify such investments as the market prepares to recover into a bull run.

Why is crypto crashing ?

The impact of prolonged bear markets seeped into top Google searches as investors tried to find answers to the question, “Why is crypto crashing.” The 2022 bear market proved to be catastrophic to several crypto ecosystems, wiping out millions of dollars overnight. As a result, the Google search represented a GV of 33,000.

The ongoing freefall in prices, along with no evident support to cushion the fall, generated negative investor sentiment across the globe. However, despite the losses, inflation in traditional finance has forced investors to reconsider Bitcoin (BTC) and other popular cryptocurrencies as hedges against draining buying power.

Also Read: A Security Researcher Discovers 22 Crypto-Stealing Google Chrome Extensions.

How does cryptocurrency work ?

An essential question asked by today’s investors, “How does cryptocurrency work,” stands as the seventh most Googled question about cryptocurrencies, with a GV of 27,000.

Following massive losses, the general public has become vary about the inner workings of a crypto project. Understanding how cryptocurrencies (or a particular crypto project) work helps uncover the hidden risks of investments.

Why is crypto down ?

With popular projects such as Polygon making consistent headlines for service disruptions, the general public asks, “Why is crypto down,” resulting in a GV of 21,000.

With projects being forced to stop withdrawals and blocking funds for various reasons, investors tend to find answers on the internet. This search making the top 10 list showcases the unprecedented increase in the shutdown of services. Untimely services and blockchain shutdowns are the primary drivers of negative investor sentiment.

How to start a crypto project ?

For many, the idea of creating, marketing and selling their own cryptocurrency seems better than investing in something created by others. “How to create a cryptocurrency” stands as the ninth most Google searched term in the crypto space with a GV of 14,000.

Off-the-services now allow anyone to launch their own tokens. However, merely launching a cryptocurrency without aiming to serve a use case is destined to fail in the long term.

How to trade cryptocurrency ?

Last in the top 10 Google questions list is “How to trade cryptocurrency,” with a GV of 13,000. Investors continue researching new ways to trade cryptocurrencies despite the growing mainstream popularity of cryptocurrencies.

Based on the jurisdictions, crypto platforms have started offering services tailored to meet the region’s regulatory requirements. As a result, investors must research to identify the most suitable platforms for crypto trading while ensuring compliance with local laws.

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