Understanding EOS Nairobi : A Standby EOS.io BP Candidate For Africa.

Understanding EOS Nairobi : A Standby  EOS.io BP Candidate For Africa.
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Last updated on May 5th, 2021 at 08:27 am

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EOS Nairobi is made of vibrant individuals from different backgrounds who believe in the new Blockchain Technology. The Community is aimed at utilizing the new technology of EOS.io to better the lives of the community and also to solve both political and economic issues disturbing the Kenyan community.

Image By EOSnairobi

The team is made of well skilled programmers and efficient individuals in the various fields they are in. The core-team members is headed by Daniel Kimotho, who is the Lead, Chief Executive of the EOS Nairobi Pro Team. George Mosomi, Head of Technology. Felix Macharia, Head of Operations. Brian Kimotho, Head Of Community. Peter Okwara, Senior Developer. Steve Kiarie, Senior Developer, Shalom Nyende, Senior Developer. Roselyne Wanjiru, Researcher. David Gitonga, Head of Media and Communications and Joshua Nyaga Community Events Manger. EOS Nairobi is currently located at 104 Lower Kabete Road in Nairobi, Kenya.


EOSnairobi aims to offer building of DApps on EOS.io network through its platform. Currently there is about Four DApps being built by EOS Nairobi. The platform also aims to create an enabling environment for Blockchain enthusiasts who are ready to utilize the Blockchain technology by giving them free education on Blockchain Technology. EOSnairobi equally wishes to use the platform to alleviate poverty among individuals through its services still in progress. For example the Kotani DEX that will create a trading platform for individuals.

Diutocoinnews was able to contact Brian Kimotho, Head of Community of EOSnairobi Speaking on the aims of EOSnairobi he said:

We have made a promise to support the enhancing of skills for the local developers so that they can collaborate if not compete at the same level as the technologically advanced cities of the world. This has seen us set up a Blockchain Incubator called Kotani. The name Kotani is a Tsonga word that means arise . We recently had Phil Mesnier for a week teaching our Devs how to develop for the EOS Blockchain. We will also be holding subsequent classes to help people develop DApps that run on the EOS Blockchain….”


Currently building Four DApps, which includes Health Wealth Coin, Ulinzi, Crypto Savannah and Nyumba Kumi.

EOS Nairobi is currently a Standby Block Producer of EOS.io network.

EOS Nairobi have also started an Incubator Program in which interested individuals are trained for a period of 3 months and also have some benefits after the 3 months completion of the program. In partnership with Techno Brain an IT Solutions, IT Training and BPO / ITES Services Company with operations in Africa, USA, India and UAE.

Speaking on the achievements of EOSnairobi he said:

EOS Nairobi is an EOS Block Producer Candidate. We’ve secured some votes that have seen us become StandBy Block Producers on the EOS mainnet that was launched on 2nd June. EOS Nairobi boasts of a vibrant community with members from different backgrounds. Nairobi is a good place to set up a BP because the government recently announced a Blockchain and AI taskforce that will help Kenya as a country in embracing new technologies.

Image by EOSnairobi

Kotani Incubator: Kotani Incubator is where EOS Nairobi wishes to bring together all developers and Blockchain enthusiasts for the purpose of solving and improving the accessibility of the EOS Blockchain worldwide.

The Kotani DEX, which EOS Nairobi claims to be the first Decentralized DEX on EOS.io Network which is still under development.


STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY: An academic partner known for its mark in business education.
TECHNO BRAIN: Techno Brain is a leading custom software application provider. An IT Solutions, IT Training and BP/ ITES Services Company with operations in Africa, USA, India and UAE.

BITHUB AFRICA: A commercial Blockchain Accelerator in Kenya. Founded by Karanja John. The vision 2030 ICT Award Winner in Kenya.

BLOCKCHAIN TASK-FORCE: A legal Partner known as the The Kenya Blockchain Task-force chairmaned by Dr. Bitange Ndemo.

About EOS.io

EOS.iois software that introduces Blockchain architecture designed to accommodate or enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications . It is maintained by a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) system. The blockchain was created by Dan Larimer the creator of Steemit and Bitshares. The DPoS system of EOS allows users to vote for block producers. These producers are rewarded tokens for validating transactions and maintaining the Blockchain.

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  1. Obinwa Chinedu Callistus

    With these wonderful inspirations and business minded EOSNairobi,we hope they’ll help bring the Kenyans and Africans at Large to a wonderful block chain future.

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